Ultra Clean Weight Filling Machines

Weight filling: Ultraclean rinser filler capper monoblock

Ultraclean rinser filler capper monoblock

We supply Ultra Clean Filling Machines (non-contact filling) Rinser/Filler/cappers for filling of delicate products such as:

  • Fresh pasteurised milk
  • Fruit juices
  • Cold filled mayonnaise
  • Tomato ketchup
  • Salad creams
  • Pharmaceutical products

We have developed a filling valve without gaskets.

The absence of gaps and internal valves simplify the cleaning process. The machines can be built with traditional bottle transfer methods or Neck Handling for PET bottles.

What is the process for Ultra Clean Weight Filling?

  • Chemical sterilisation of the bottles
  • Bottle sterile rinsing using Auxonia and combined with sterile water rinsing of the Auxonia
  • Ultra Clean Sterile filling (non-contact valves), either by flow meters or by weight cells.
  • UV ray + chemical sterilisation of the caps + washing with sterile water before capping in clean room. The bottle closures or caps can be sterilised with steam in the chute or by an Auxonia spray.
  • Over pressure in the filling machine with sterile filtered air is vital to ensure harmful bacteria are filtered out of the air inside the filler. Air is first filtered via an HEPA filter and pumped at a light pressure inside the filter which is enclosed in a full shell where air is filtered. The overpressure ensures that no contaminated air is let in to the filling machine during normal production.

Ultra Clean Filling is a process concept involving the combination of various technologies rather than a single "Quick Fix" technical item. The process involves also an "environment" element, that is, it requires a production attitude to clean filling processes in the staff of the factory.

Contact IC Filling Systems…

For detailed information, contact our Sales Director Marco Solferini by calling +39 0141 162 0091 or +39 0141 74166 (Italy) +44 1865 520 083 (UK) or +1 707 236 6353 (US). Alternatively, use the contact form below, or request a quotation.  


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Weight Filling Machines from IC Filling Systems

  1. Ultra Clean Weight Filling Machines for products with specific hygienic needs, from very fluid to very dense products
  2. Oil Filling Weight Machines for Edible and Motor Oils
  3. Milk & Yoghurt Aseptic Weight Filling Machines with Neck Handling System
  4. Weight Filling Machines for Soaps & Detergents
  5. Acid-Resistant Chemical Filling by Weight for highly acidic/corrosive products ranging from very fluid to very dense

Download Giovanni Solferini's Article

Bottling Oils? Don't let the accountants undermine your bottom line.

Download Article on Weight Filling for Oils 4 Pages, PDF, 957Kb

How to save $1.5 million dollars and avoid beancounters and accountants undermining your bottom line if you are bottling oils.

Written by IC Filling Systems Managing Director Giovanni Solferini.

[ Full Article & Download Option ]