A Complete Bottling Line for Still Water
A Complete Bottling Line for Still Water
Wessex Water Services Ltd., the public utilities water company in South West England, has taken delivery on the 25th of July of a complete PET bottling line for still water in 2 litres and 500 ml PET bottles produced by IC Filling Systems Srl. This line has an output speed of up to 8,000bph x 2ltr.
Overcoming a challenging small area available (the complete line footprint is only 15 x 34 metres). The line reaches nevertheless very high efficiency levels of 90% of nominal speed at the end of the line.
The bottling line consists of :

Manual 2 tanks CIP unit
- Bottle dryer with bottle rotation device (to see video click HERE)
- Domino A120 ink jet coder
- 8 heads full wrap around hot melt labeller with Nordson glue injector (to see video click HERE)
- Bottle shrink wrapper at 30 ppm Film only ( to see video click HERE)
- Palletiser unit with interlayer inserter (to see video click HERE)
- Automatic Pallet stretch wrapper (to see video click HERE)
The line was delivered precisely on the date contracted and installed and handed over to the operating company in one month, precisely on the 25th July 2013, by the engineering team of ICFS srl headed by Mr Emiro Russo.
For any enquiry on this product, please contact our Sales Manager Mr Marco Solferini on sales@icfsgroup.com or please call on +44 1865 481 444 (UK) or +1 707 236 6353 (US)