Advanced bottling solution to Original Spirit Co in Australia

Original Spirits Co Gin

Marco Solferini with Original Spirits’ 6/6/1 Rinser Filler Capper triblock IC Filling Systems is delighted to announce the shipment of our latest Rinser/Gravity Filler/ROPP Screw Capper from our manufacturing facility in Incisa Scapaccino, Italy. This cutting-edge triblock machine is on its way to Original Spirit Co, a family-run distillery in Victoria, Australia. It is set…


IC Filling Systems complete slick bottling installation at Proteco Oils

Proteco Oil Filling Machine Australia

Josh Gadischke, Managing Director of Proteco Oils HBM Plastics & Packaging Technologies Pty Ltd, in conjunction with IC Filling Systems of Italy, have recently commissioned a new bottling line for edible oils at Proteco Oils in Kingaroy, Queensland. Proteco Oils are the leading manufacturer of cold pressed edible oils in Australia. Their range of chemicalfree,…


American Craft Beer Exports Surpass $125 Million – BA Data

EDP US Craft Beer Export Growth 2017

Small and Independent American Brewers Increase International Demand and Distribution The Brewers Association (BA) — the not-for-profit trade group representing small and independent craft brewers — reported export growth data for the American craft beer industry in 2017. Supported by the BA’s Export Development Program (EDP), craft beer export volume increased by 3.6 percent in…


Hellyer’s Road are Tasmania’s Exporter of the Year

Tasmanian Exporter of the Year 2017

Hellyer’s Road named Tasmanian Exporter of the Year 2017 IC Filling Systems Customer scoops top award Last year, Hellyer’s Road Distillery were delighted to be announced as Tasmania’s Small Business Exporter of the Year for the first time. On Friday evening in Hobart, Hellyer’s went back to back, again winning the Small Business award, but…
